I believe that the world we live in is often taken for granted, the spaces around us seen as a fact of life rather than celebrated. My goal is to preserve spaces that are attached to memory, to remember what might have been forgotten - from an old log cabin to the peak of a mountain. I enjoy treasuring the local, the small-scale, the eccentric, the ordinary; whatever is made out of caring. Finding the beauty in some battered old porch or cluttered storefront gives me a kind of joy that is hard for me to describe but easier to recreate, and my wish is to share that joy with others through my art. My work ranges from the context of the street to the mountains, from the arrangement of parking meters on the sidewalk to the sweeping landscapes of West Texas. My work takes on various forms intended to draw in the viewer as co-author and witness, creating new and nostalgic cycles of thoughts and associations. Each piece also has a personal attachment to me, each setting carrying a reminder of past memories that may otherwise be forgotten. Drawn with pen and ink on cotton rag paper, my hand-drawn illustrations are made with layers of crosshatching and dot-work stippling, building value from layers of thin lines to bring the subject out from the page.
"Trailblazing", 2019
"Wide Open", 2019
"Homestead", 2017
"Into the Mountains", 2018
"Snow Blanket", 2018
"Winter's Bone", 2017
"Pegosa", 2018
"The Peak", 2017
"Navy Pier", 2017